Benefits of Revised German Code for Glass Design

The German code for design of glass structures DIN 18008 was first published in final version 2010 and 2013; as several major changes were suggested, the periodical revision took longer than expected. Part 1 and 2 (basis of design and linear supported glazing) are published in final version in 2020, recently a draft of revised part 3 (point fixed glazing), part 4 (balustrade glazing) and part 5 (walk-on glazing) were published with date November 2023. Revision is based on experience from its practical application, implements recently finished research activities and takes development of other glass design codes including future Eurocode for Glass (CEN/TS 19100) into account. The paper shows the developments like reduced safety level for selected applications with lower consequence class (which is revolutionary for Germany), simplified calculation of conical point fixings, revised concept of classification and newly developed flow charts for design of balustrades. Overall, the field of application covered by the code is widened, more economic glass structures can be designed within the code. Calculation examples show difference of old and revised German standard for different applications to complete the picture.
Structural Glass Design & Standards
Copyright (c) 2024 Geralt Siebert

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